Yes! Please Sign Me Up For A Free Cybersecurity Risk Assessment ($2,997 Value)
I understand that this service is being offered to me for free with no strings attached or obligation to buy anything.
When this Cybersecurity Risk Assessment is complete,
YOU will know:
- If you and your employees’ login credentials are for sale on the Dark Web (You will be SHOCKED at what is out there and for sale RIGHT NOW!).
- If your company’s confidential information has already been exposed. (We KNOW many company’s who have had their financial information, personnel records and patents being sold on the Dark Web).
- If your network and data are REALLY protected from cybercriminals, ransomware, viruses and careless or rogue employees. (We can virtually GUARANTEE that it is NOT).
- If your current backup is safe from ransomware and get you back up and running again FAST. (In the last 6 months we have NOT FOUND A SINGLE BACKUP that has been protected!).
- Can you or your employees spot a phishing e-mail? (CEO’s, HR, Payroll, and Administrative Assistants are PRIME TARGETS for phishing AND phishing the NUMBER ONE way hackers get in!).
- If your systems and company meet applicable compliance requirements like NY SHIELD, CCPA, GLBA, 23 NYCRR 500, HIPAA, etc. (EVERY STATE has a law that requires you to comply!).
At the end of the assessment, you’ll get 2 reports; a Risk Report and a Work Plan.
Together they provide a complete picture of what we discovered during the assessment with specific recommendations about what you should do to close these security gaps and vulnerabilities and remove the threats you may not be aware of.